This Code of Conduct (“this Code”) shall apply to all Board Members and Senior Management of BLUE CHIP INDIA LIMITED (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”). This code is in alignment with the main objectives of the Company and the Board Members and Senior Management shall observe the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity and shall work to the best of their ability and judgement process in managing the affairs of the Company.
The term “Board Members” shall mean the Board of Directors of the Company. The term “Senior Management” shall mean employees of the Company who are members of its core management team but excluding the whole-time Directors.
This Code has now been framed specifically in compliance with the provisions of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement entered into by the Company with the Stock Exchanges.
Code of Conduct – Its key requirement
All Board Members and Senior Management shall affirm compliance of this Code on an annual basis as at the end of each financial year. They shall act within the authority conferred upon them, keeping the best interests of the Company in view and observe the following :
1. Shall act with utmost care, skill, diligence and integrity in performing their duties.
2. Shall act honestly in good faith and in the best interest of the Company.
3. Shall not commit any offence involving moral turpitude.
4. Shall not hold any position or job or engage in outside business or other interest that is prejudicial to the interests of the Company.
5. Shall avoid any personal and/or financial interest in any business dealings concerning the Company.
6. Shall comply with all the applicable laws, rules and regulations.
7. Shall protect the interest of all stakeholders of the Company.
8. Shall follow all prescribed safety and environment related norms.
9. Shall not indulge themselves in Insider Trading in dealing with the securities of the Company.
10. Shall protect the Company’s assets including physical assets and properties and shall not use the same for personal benefit.
11. Shall ensure confidentiality of information obtained/received by virtue of association with the Company and shall not disclose to the press or any other media, unless specifically authorized.
12. Shall report/disclose its relationship to the Board on an annual basis, in order to avoid any potential conflict of interest.